

Terminology 相关话题


在设计领域中,术语和沟通是两个至关重要的元素。设计不仅仅是创造美丽的物体或空间,它涉及到跨学科的知识、创新思维以及与各种专业人士的协作。因此,了解并熟练使用设计领域的专业术语,以及能够有效地进行跨文化、跨领域的沟通,对于任何设计师来说都是必不可少的技能。 ### 一、设计英语的重要性 设计英语(Design English)指的是设计行业特有的词汇、短语和表达方式,这些语言形式不仅涵盖了图形设计、产品设计、室内设计等具体领域,还包括了设计过程中的特定概念和原则。掌握设计英语不仅能够帮助设计师准
### Exploring the English Terminology for Jackets In the vast world of fashion, jackets serve as versatile and essential pieces that not only protect us from the elements but also express our personal style. Understanding the English terminology for
### Exploring the English Terminology for Gloves Gloves, an essential accessory that not only protects our hands but also serves as a fashion statement, have a rich history in both functionality and style. The language used to describe gloves is as
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